We rely on the support of the community to enable us to continue caring for patients and to support their families and loved ones. It costs £16,500 a day to run our services. Your support makes a huge difference.
Each leaf is inscribed with a name of those who are no longer with us but who are still remembered with love. Our beautiful Memory Tree decorates the wall of the King Centre at Hospice, in the quiet café area where visitors can take a moment to stop and remember their loved ones.
Every leaf remains on the Memory Tree for one year, during which time you are very welcome to visit and see the full effect of the many leaves together that form this beautiful windswept tree. At the end of the year, you will be offered the option to keep your leaf on display or have it sent to you to keep.
We know that many people find great comfort in being able to celebrate the lives of their loved ones – whether they were cared for by our team at Hospice or not. By inscribing a leaf on our Memory Tree, you will be creating a lasting and tangible memory in their honour.
The donation you make with your leaf will also enable us to help other families who need our care today, helping them to make their own precious memories through our work to help them to live life to the full even when time is short.
Our Memory Tree has three distinct leaf colours for you to choose from.
We will send you a letter confirming your inscription before sending your leaf to our engraver and informing you of when the leaf will be available to view on the tree (usually within 28 days of the letter date). The location and date of the installation of all leaves on the Memory Tree are at the discretion of Hospice and are subject to remaining availability of leaves and spaces on the tree.
Should you wish to have extra leaves engraved for you or your loved ones to have at home, in addition to the leaf on the Memory Tree at Hospice, these can be purchased for a single further donation of £40 each.
Your leaf will be in place on our Memory Tree for 12 months (or until your Direct Debit expires if paying monthly). We will write to you again towards the end of this time to give you the option to renew your donation or have the leaf sent to you, to keep forever.