We rely on the support of the community to enable us to continue caring for patients and to support their families and loved ones. It costs £16,500 a day to run our services. Your support makes a huge difference.
All referrals must be made with the consent of the patient and agreement from their GP.
How to refer an adult
If you are a healthcare professional, the easiest way to refer is by downloading and completing the referral form and faxing it back to the Specialist Palliative Care office at the Hospice on (01534) 720292. Alternatively you can post it to:-
Jersey Hospice Care
Mont Cochon
St Helier
Please remember to provide as much information as possible on the referral form to enable the team to make informed decisions and effective assessment of the needs of patients.
If you are not a healthcare professional, you can refer by calling (01534) 876555 and the information will be transferred to the referral form. Your GP will be contacted before an initial assessment is made to ensure the referral is appropriate and to seek their agreement.
How to refer anyone under 18
Parents and family members
If you are eligible and looking for support, please contact your child/ young person’s lead professional/ key worker who can complete a referral form.
Please submit a completed Referral form. If you have any doubts or concerns about how to proceed, don’t hesitate to give us a call on our office number below.
What happens after a referral is made
When a referral is made, it will be assessed by a multi-disciplinary team, including a specialist children’s palliative nurse team and emotional support worker who will look at both your child’s current level of needs and also your child’s prognosis.
We will speak to the people already involved in caring for your child at home or in hospital. We will come and see you at home so that we can discuss your situation and how you are feeling about Hospice’s involvement. We can then make a plan tailored around your child and your wider family’s needs.
Children and Young People Team Office Tel : (01534) 780780, Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 17:00
Community Bereavement Service and Emotional Support Team referrals
If you require this service, please download the relevant referral forms and email to bereavement@jerseyhospicecare.com or post to the address below:
Jersey Hospice Care
Mont Cochon
St Helier
Bereavement support:
Emotional support:
Alternatively you can contact the service directly, by phoning (01534) 285144.
Spiritual Care referrals
If you would to refer a patient to our Spiritual Care Service, please CLICK HERE to complete a referral form.
Alternatively your can contact our Spiritual Lead, Emily Churchill on 01534 786144 or emilychurchill@jerseyhospicecare.com
If you have an urgent referral please circle the ‘urgent’ section on the referral form and fax it to the number above. A follow up telephone call to Jersey Hospice Care on (01534) 876555 to speak to the Clinical Nurse Specialist on call will allow a more thorough assessment of the urgency of referral and prevent a delay in response.
Our aim is to respond to urgent referrals within 24 hours and non-urgent referrals within 2 days.
If you have any questions or need any further information on the referral process, please call (01534) 876555 and speak to the Multi-Disciplinary Team Coordinator between 09:00 and 17:00, Monday to Friday.