We rely on the support of the community to enable us to continue caring for patients and to support their families and loved ones. It costs £16,500 a day to run our services. Your support makes a huge difference.
Where can I be seen?
You can be visited by our team of specialist nurses in whichever care setting you are presently in. This may be in your own home, a nursing or a residential care home or in hospital. Alternatively, you may prefer to see the specialist nurse in the Out Patient clinic at Hospice.
How do the Specialist Palliative Care Nurses become involved with my care?
A referral can be made from any source, but patient consent and agreement from your GP is required before visiting. Once you have agreed to the referral, we will arrange a suitable day and time to visit you, which can be on your own or with your relative/carer present, if this
is your preference.
If you are in hospital, agreement from your GP to see the Specialist Palliative Care nurse or doctor is not necessary until you return to
your home environment
What will the Specialist Palliative Care Nurse do to help?
The Specialist Palliative Care Nurses have extensive knowledge and skills in caring for people with life limiting illnesses. Their role is to provide advice and support with any physical, psychological, spiritual or social issues, supporting you and your family.
Our aim is to enable people to have the best quality of life
How long will the Specialist Palliative Nurses be involved in my care?
This will depend on your needs, we will aim to support your end of life care in the place of your choice.
How can you contact the team?
The Specialist Palliative Care Team are available Monday to Friday between 9-5pm on Tel:01534 876555
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about your care at home.
At times, you may need round the clock care that can be provided on the In Patient Unit.