Image of woman taking notes in education course
We aim to make it as simple as possible for healthcare professionals, patients, and their families to access our services.
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Image of woman taking notes in education course
We aim to make it as simple as possible for healthcare professionals, patients, and their families to access our services.
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Our Care

We deliver support, care, advice and symptom management to patients with an advanced life-limiting condition.

Image of nurse and patients on steps in gardens at Jersey Hospice Care

Directly or indirectly, Jersey Hospice Care touches the lives of many people in Jersey. A registered charity, we provide a free service that aims to put patients and the people close to them first. You can find out more about the care we provide by exploring the pages below.

Image of community nurse at doorway visiting patient
Care at Home

Many people prefer to be supported in their own home and our Specialist Palliative Care Team will work with you and your family to make this happen wherever possible.

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Image of baby and nurse in sensory room
Children and Young People

The Children and Young People’s Team (CYPT) at Jersey Hospice Care aim to ensure that children, young people, their families, and those close to them are at the centre of all support provided.

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Image of Rev Emily in the sanctuary looking at memory book, flowers and candles
Spiritual Care

Spiritual care helps us to draw upon things we find comfort and strength in. We are all shaped by our unique journey through life; the people, relationships, places, stories, and experiences that matter to us - these bring meaning to our lives and shape our personal sense of self - our spirituality.

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Nurse and patient with leaflet

Palliative and end-of-life care strategy for adults in Jersey launched

The End-of-Life Care Partnership led by Jersey Hospice Care and Health and Community Services has launched the Palliative and End-of-Life Care Strategy for Adults in Jersey. The strategy aims to provide the best possible palliative and end of life care for adults in Jersey.

Our Commitment

Jersey Hospice Care is committed to continuous improvement and uses feedback as part of its quality assurance processes in order to provide the best possible care and services to all users.

We welcome all feedback, positive or negative and see feedback and complaints as a way of learning and improving our services.

Email us

This email address is monitored from 09:00 to 17:00, Monday to Friday. Emails received outside of these times will be dealt with the next working day.

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Have your say

We welcome all feedback, positive or negative and see feedback and complaints as a way of learning and improving our services.


Make A Donation Today

It costs more than £6 million a year to maintain our services, yet all of our services to patients and families remain free of charge. We rely on the support of fundraising by the community, local companies, and trusts and the income from our retail shops to enable us to continue caring for patients coming to terms with a life-limiting condition and to support their families and loved ones.